Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Brian's most embarassing story

So I decide that going to the bathroom at this point in time is an excellent idea. Three factors go into this decision. 1) It was an actual toilet. 2) The director of our school had stepped out of the room leaving Brigid and I alone. 3) I had to use the toilet. You have to understand that when travelling in a foreign country when you have an opportunity to go #2 it is essential that you do so, however, in this case I wish I had refrained. Sparing you some details after finishing my business I flush the toilet and everything seems to be going well. I realize that and additional flush is necessary and thought to myself "this shouldn't be a problem". The toilet doesn't flush. Immediate panic sets in and I start to sweat, and I mean sweat profusely. I keep trying and nothing is working. In the room outside I hear that the director has returned and I can only imagine that the other director of the primary school (whom we haven't met yet, and whose bathroom it is) is there as well. More sweating, I try to lift the top toilet cover and fill it with water from the sink hoping that somehow this would help. It doesn't. After repeated flushes I think " you know what Thailand has been fun and if they end up not letting me teach because they are digusted with me I am ok with that." I end up leaving the bathroom and returning to a room with Brigid talking with our school's director. The look on her face confirms that I look extremely panicked and really really sweaty. After a few minutes of conversation with the director he gets a phone call.....Thank God! I tell Brigid what happens, she immediately laughs in my face. I race to the bathroom and try to flush one more time and IT WORKED, I am saved. I may have really stunk but that bathroom was as clean as it was when I entered and thats all that matters.


Alison said...

Thanks for making me laugh out loud at my desk and look like an idiot.

Steve D said...

Brian's Clog Blog...charming! Please do your best to avoid an international incident triggered by your bathroom habits. I weep for the Thai people.

"Uncle (do you want us to fedex a plunger?) Bub"